Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Romney Brings Up the Rear With 3%

Gallup came out with some new polling this week. They asked 429 Republicans and Republican leaners which candidates they would be most likely to support for the Republican nomination for President in the year 2008.

Rudy 31%
Luke Skywalker 22%
Poor old Flip-Flop 3%

Being fully aware that we are a year out--If this trend continues can he even hope for a VP bid?


SEO Gangsta said...

3% - wow, that's like 3 more than readers you have on your boring blog - seriously, get a life. By the way, your sister told me that you are planning on voting for Romney in the next election so stop trying to play it off like you're cool...

lecollye said...

The first part is funny, the last doesn't make any sense.

lecollye said...

On second thought...Is this ( you? that is some funny shit. What part of the suburbs are you from?