Thursday, April 5, 2007

Mitt Romney is Totally Full of Crap...Again!

Well he's at it again folks. Old Williard's been caught throwing out some more b.s. According to WAPT: On the campaign trail this week, Romney was overheard telling a New Hampshire voter wearing a National Rifle Association hat, "I've been a hunter pretty much all my life." It turns out Romney has been on only two hunting trips in his entire life. Romney aides have confirmed that the former governor flip-flop's only hunting experience came on only two trips: as a 15-year-old, when he hunted rabbits with his cousins on a ranch in Idaho, and last year, when he shot quail on a fenced game preserve in Georgia (Dick Cheney favorite style and a favorite of other hunters whom are too afraid to venture out into the scary forest).

Caption: Republican Hopeful and NRA Lifetime Member Mitt Romney Sees a Gun For The 3rd Time in His Entire Life

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