Thursday, March 8, 2007

Mitt Romney is a Hypocrite

The NH Union-Leader's political reporter, John DiStaso, noted today:

A week ago, in response to a question during an interview with New Hampshire Union Leader editors and a reporter, Mitt Romney said, "English needs to be the language that is spoken in America. We cannot be a bilingual nation like

Five days later, a Romney news release announced that the campaign had "launched its first Spanish radio ad. The ad ends with Romney saying, "I am Mitt Romney and I approve this message," and then an announcer saying, "Pagado por Romney para Presidente."

Once again proving my point that Mitt Romney is full of crap and reaffirming this blog's support for Anyone But Romney in 2008.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Site. Was added to mybookmarks. Greetings From USA.