Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Romney is #37 on The BEAST 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2007

From The BEAST's list.

37. Mitt Romney

Charges: America's first clip-art presidential candidate, Romney is a strange mixture of game show host looks and android charm. A true flip-flopper, Romney's ability to turn on an ideological dime is unparalleled, but his excuses are so inauthentic that even Republicans have trouble suspending their disbelief.

Exhibit A: "You can't have freedom without religion, and you can't have religion without freedom."

Sentence: Strapped to the roof of his family car, which his dog attempts to drive across the country, but crashes horribly (because dogs can't drive, of course). Romney's flesh burns off in the ensuing fire, revealing him to be a standard protocol droid set to world domination mode. Narrowly edged out of primary race by Huckabee.

I was hoping for #1, but hey, it's a honor just to be nominated.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Concord Monitor: "Anyone But Romney in 2008"

This week the New Hampshire capital's paper made a very clear announcement with regard to the presidential election: "Romney should not be the next president."

According to the Monitor:
If you were building a Republican presidential candidate from a kit, imagine what pieces you might use: an athletic build, ramrod posture, Reaganesque hair, a charismatic speaking style and a crisp dark suit. You'd add a beautiful wife and family, a wildly successful business career and just enough executive government experience. You'd pour in some old GOP bromides - spending cuts and lower taxes - plus some new positions for 2008: anti-immigrant rhetoric and a focus on faith.

Add it all up and you get Mitt Romney, a disquieting figure who sure looks like the next president and most surely must be stopped.
They go on to expose Romney for the opportunistic fraud that he is and close with a message close to this blog's heart:

When New Hampshire partisans are asked to defend the state's first-in-the-nation primary, we talk about our ability to see the candidates up close, ask tough questions and see through the baloney. If a candidate is a phony, we assure ourselves and the rest of the world, we'll know it.

Mitt Romney is such a candidate.

Wow...And Team Romney thought Iowa was in trouble...This op-ed is probably the strongest anti-endorsement a newspaper has ever given to a single candidate outside of David Duke, and is particularly nasty for Romney and Sons coming out of the first primary state that neighbors Willard's "home" state. It seems as though this whole Anyone But Romney in 2008 thing is catching on...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Huckabee's Response to Romney's Attack Ads...

This is a pretty gangster move...I think they are both out of their minds, but this is just great theater. Take that Mitt! Trying to hate on baby Jesus on his birthday.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Romney Gets Emotional On Meet The Press

Willard "Mitt" Romney said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” yesterday that he wept with relief when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Mormon church, announced a 1978 revelation that the priesthood would no longer be denied to persons of African descent.

Further proving that he really is the biggest phony running for office, Romney’s eyes appeared to fill with tears as he discussed this embarrassing subject.

That's 1978 folks, not 1958...10 years after MLK was shot...14 years after the civil rights bill...when ole' Willard was 31 years old!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Olbermann Chews Willard Romney A New One...

I think Keith may dislike Willard more than I do.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lawrence O'Donnell goes off on Romney and Mormons

OK Larry, now tell us what you really think.

Friday, December 7, 2007

The complete Mitt Romney "I love Jesus too!" Religion Speech from 12/06/07.

From TMP:

A spokesman for the Mitt Romney campaign is thus far refusing to say whether Romney sees any positive role in America for atheists and other non-believers, after Election Central inquired about the topic yesterday

It's a sign that Romney may be seeking to submerge evangelical distaste for Mormonism by uniting the two groups together in a wider culture war. Romney's speech has come under some criticism, even from conservatives like David Brooks and Ramesh Ponnuru, for positively mentioning many prominent religions but failing to include anything positive about atheists and agnostics.

Indeed, the only mentions of non-believers were very much negative. "It is as if they're intent on establishing a new religion in America – the religion of secularism. They're wrong," Romney said, being met by applause from the audience.

I actually thought it was a pretty good speech. Don't get me wrong, I still think he's a total douchebag and disagree with almost all of his points, most of which I found offensive to my very ethos, but as speeches go, it wasn't that bad.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mitt Romney's is Countdown's "Worst Person In The World"

From Crooks and Liars:

Columnist and FOXNews regular, Charles Krauthammer, won the Bronze award on Countdown’s Worst Person in the World segment on Wednesday, for his misrepresentation of the recent non-embryonic stem cell discovery, claiming President Bush’s ban made it possible — which is a total fabrication. BillO gets the Silver for his latest War On Christmas segment where he chided a woman who is trying to take the commercialization out of Christmas, and Gold went to Mitt Romney for doing his best Donald Trump by abruptly firing the landscaping company that worked at his mansion after being called out for it by Rudy Giuliani in the last Republican debate. Now that’s one classy guy…

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Willard "Mitt" Romney is Spending $85,000 a Day on TV Ads.

From CNN:

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has spent $10.2 million on television advertising this year -- a record amount at this point in a presidential campaign -- according to new data provided to CNN.

Romney is spending more than $85,000 a day -- $600,000 last week alone -- on campaign commercials, according to TNSMI/Campaign Media Analysis Group, CNN's consultant on political television advertising spending.

His presidential campaign commercials have aired more than 14,500 times.

The closest Republican to Romney in ad spending is Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who has aired more than $300,000 worth of campaign ads.

Wow! Willard, $85,000 a day? Huh? That'll get you a lot of extra cheese on your Whopper. This little bit of info comes fresh of the results of the latest Iowa poll, too, look like another rough week for the big guy. That strategy of focusing all of your efforts (and obviously a lot of cash) on the early states may not be paying off after all? Huh, Willard?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mitt Romney's Hugs Hooter's Girls, While Shilling Family Values.

I (almost) feel bad for ole' Willard. He probably has no idea what a Hooter's girl is, other than some place he isn't allowed to go. This moron is just totally out of touch with the general populace. I wonder if he knows this? Does he think that he is in touch with the average American? If he knows that he is a total phoney, does that make it any better?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

Mitt Romney Flip-Flops on Hunting, Abortion, Iraq and His Dog

As if you really needed further reasons to support Anyone But Romney in 2008.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Gov. Mitt Romney meets a medical marijuana patient.

At a campaign stop in Dover, Delaware, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has a tough time dealing with a question about medical marijuana from Clayton Holton, a wheelchair-bound man suffering from Muscular Dystrophy. Holton asks Romney if he’d arrest him or his doctors for using medical marijuana and that was all Romney needed to hear — he cuts and runs, moving on to shake hands with other people in the crowd, ignoring Holton as he presses him on the question. What a scumbag.
Further proof that this country can use Anyone But Romney in 2008.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Pervs For Romney in 2008

So, lemme get this straight. This clown plead guilty to a lesser charge in hopes of making it go away.'m not sure how to put this but YOU ARE A US FUCKING SENATOR!!! Have you ever heard of the internet? Foley got caught on AIM and you this this one is just going to disappear? With judgment calls like this, you can tell that he's a Romney man.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mitt Romney Puts His Dog on Car Roof

Mitt answers a couple of softball questions from Fox News about the whole dog on the car bit.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Romney's French Connection

A great clip from Rachel Maddow's "Campaign Asylum."

Romney's fake cop

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's operations manager Jay Garrity is under investigation in two states for illegally impersonating a police officer, once to intimidate and threaten a New York Times reporter.
As with Bush, I think that we should judge Romney by the company that he keeps. This guy sounds like a big winner.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Romney Questioned on His Spanish Language Commercial

Way to not answer the question, Willard. Um...actually he was wondering why you are pandering in Spanish, when you don't think that you should be able to pander in Spanish. Much like his NRA membership, Romney clearly says one thing and does another. I really can't get over the gaul of this guy. Are there people who actually want him to be the President of the United States? Because I'm sure they can get him to say anything they want. Imagine (God forbid) he actually gets the nomination, I can't wait to see how far back to the left he flip-flops to get those pesky independent votes, from people who actually think for themselves. Please dear God, give us Anyone But Romney in 2008!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Mitt Romney Says He is Pro-Choice in 2002

That's so unfair! That was 5 whole years ago!!! Do you know how long that is in Mitt years? He was only 55 years old, not the mature 60-year-old that stands before you today. FLIP FLOP.

Friday, May 18, 2007

McCain Jabs at Romney on Flip Flops

McCain has his own flip flops to answer for, but this is pretty funny. The look on McCain's face at the end is priceless--it's like he just got caught putting a whoopie cushion under Willard's podium.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Republican Debate 'What Do You Dislike About America

Could it have been possible to come across as a bigger phony? "They can't seriously expect us to swallow that tripe?" -Lisa S.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Some things are more important than bashing Mitt Romney.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Mitt Romney is Totally Full of Crap...Again

Mitt Romney is Totally Full of Crap...Again!

Well he's at it again folks. Old Williard's been caught throwing out some more b.s. According to WAPT: On the campaign trail this week, Romney was overheard telling a New Hampshire voter wearing a National Rifle Association hat, "I've been a hunter pretty much all my life." It turns out Romney has been on only two hunting trips in his entire life. Romney aides have confirmed that the former governor flip-flop's only hunting experience came on only two trips: as a 15-year-old, when he hunted rabbits with his cousins on a ranch in Idaho, and last year, when he shot quail on a fenced game preserve in Georgia (Dick Cheney favorite style and a favorite of other hunters whom are too afraid to venture out into the scary forest).

Caption: Republican Hopeful and NRA Lifetime Member Mitt Romney Sees a Gun For The 3rd Time in His Entire Life

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Romney Brings Up the Rear With 3%

Gallup came out with some new polling this week. They asked 429 Republicans and Republican leaners which candidates they would be most likely to support for the Republican nomination for President in the year 2008.

Rudy 31%
Luke Skywalker 22%
Poor old Flip-Flop 3%

Being fully aware that we are a year out--If this trend continues can he even hope for a VP bid?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Which Ones Like Castro, Again?: Romney Shows His Cultural Competancy About Cubans in Miami This Week

Oh Mitt, what have you gotten yourself into this time:
People chuckled when presidential candidate Mitt Romney, a Mormon raised in Michigan and elected in Massachusetts, bungled the names of Cuban-American politicians during a recent speech in Miami. But when he mistakenly associated Fidel Castro's trademark speech-ending slogan -- Patria o muerte, venceremos! -- with a free Cuba, listeners didn't laugh. They winced.

Castro has closed his speeches with the phrase -- in English, ''Fatherland or death, we shall overcome'' -- for decades. ''Clearly, that's something he was ill-advised on or didn't do his homework on,'' said Hialeah City Council President Esteban Bovo. ``When you get cute with slogans, you get yourself into a trap.''
Romney's fumble demonstrates the potential snags for state and national politicians trying to navigate the Cuban-American community of South Florida. Ever since Ronald Reagan enthralled exiles by crying, ''Cuba sí, Castro no,'' in a landmark 1983 visit to Little Havana, politicians have clamored, with mixed success, for the Spanish-speaking vote.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Massachusetts Republicans for Truth Website Takes Off This Week

Go ahead, keep on cracking wise about the Bay State and this is what you get:
A group of Massachusetts Republicans is planning to launch a Web site on Monday that highlights flip-flops in the record of their former leader, presidential contender Mitt Romney.

The so-called Massachusetts Republicans for Truth is also pledging to run radio and television ads across the country as Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, seeks the 2008 GOP presidential nomination.

He has acknowledged changing from a supporter of abortion rights to an opponent, and recently signed a no-new-taxes pledge that his gubernatorial spokesman had previously labeled "gimmickry." During a 1994 Senate race, Romney also pledged to be more effective in fighting for gay rights than his opponent, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., although today Romney highlights his ardent opposition to gay marriage.

"I think he's trying to reinvent himself as a candidate," said Holly Robichaud, one of the site's organizers. "If that's what he wants to do, that's fine. We just want to tell people his entire record. It's up to the voters to decide if he's trustworthy on the issues."
C'mon in folks, the water is just fine.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Mitt Romney is a Hypocrite

The NH Union-Leader's political reporter, John DiStaso, noted today:

A week ago, in response to a question during an interview with New Hampshire Union Leader editors and a reporter, Mitt Romney said, "English needs to be the language that is spoken in America. We cannot be a bilingual nation like

Five days later, a Romney news release announced that the campaign had "launched its first Spanish radio ad. The ad ends with Romney saying, "I am Mitt Romney and I approve this message," and then an announcer saying, "Pagado por Romney para Presidente."

Once again proving my point that Mitt Romney is full of crap and reaffirming this blog's support for Anyone But Romney in 2008.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

'Flip Romney' at CPAC 2007

Just in from the anti-Romney front: Flip Romney the anti-Romney dolphin at CPAC.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

"Let's Talk Mitt Romney," "No- Let's Talk Hair"

Fox and Friends is probably the worst show on television, period. These two make Hannity look like Murrow and watching them actually hurts me, but the hair stuff with Romney is just priceless.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Big Shocker From Utah: Polygamy in Willard's Family Tree, Romney's Great-Grandfather Had A Few Wives

According to South Coast Today:
While Mitt Romney condemns polygamy and its prior practice by his Mormon church, the Republican presidential candidate's great-grandfather had five wives and at least one of his great-great grandfathers had 12.
Polygamy was not just a historical footnote, but a prominent element in the family tree of the former Massachusetts governor now seeking to become the first Mormon president.

Romney's great-grandfather, Miles Park Romney, married his fifth wife in 1897. That was more than six years after Mormon leaders banned polygamy and more than three decades after a federal law barred the practice.
Robert Klien sums this up best:
When I saw this outrageous story, my first thought was that it read like an Onion parody of how absurdly overboard the media goes in digging up dirt on presidential candidates. It's hard to know whether to chalk this up to liberal bias or religious bigotry that for some reason is tolerated when Mormons are involved.
I have to say that I agree with Klien. I don't really care nor do I think this is a rational reason not to vote for someone, but this shit is pretty funny.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Romney on Abortion - 2002

I believe???...No wait a second...I've got this one...It is a women's right I'm brother-in-law's soul...must sell win election...

Romney is the First Kid on His Block With a Campaign Ad

And here it is:

Wow, that sure does make me like him less.

Washington Post Columnist Richard Cohen Chews Mitt A New One

After the unveiling of that little piece of advertising mastery yesterday, Post columnist Richard Cohen, saw right through it all and leveled the former CEO of the 2002 Olympics. Here are some of the highlights from yesterday's column entitled "The Talented Mr. Romney:"

I have been following the zigs and zags of Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and now Republican presidential candidate, watching him grow progressively less progressive, sort of making himself up as he goes along. As a result, I surf the Web with trepidation, bracing myself for the story that I fear might be coming: "Romney Says He Is Not Really a Mormon...''
Romney is not the only Republican candidate to mothball principles for the campaign. Rudy Giuliani is now not as pro-choice as he used to be, and John McCain has hired the very mudslingers he once wanted to garrote. But Romney is in a class of his own. He used to have fairly reasonable positions on gun control. Within the past year, though, he joined the National Rifle Association -- an admission made under some duress Sunday to George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week.'' In fact, to watch Romney on the show was to see a thoroughly counterfeit man. If he were a coin, a vending machine would spit him out.
We still have 12 months until the first primary!!! If Mitt is already catching this much crap, what chance in hell does he have over the next year? Who knows, maybe McCain will show everyone how crazy he really is, or Giuliani will dress in drag again and let Brownback grope him. All I do know is that with blows like these coming at Admiral flip-flop a whole year before New Hampshire and Iowa, and no one else in the race catching anywhere near the same flack (or being as full of crap), I can't wait to see what's in store for old Willard in the coming months.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Willard "Mitt" Romney Polling at 10% in Lastest Marist College Poll

Great news from Marist! Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani tops the field of possible Republican presidential nominees for 2008 for his party’s nomination according to the latest polling from The Marist College Institute For Public Opinion. He leads his closest competitor, John McCain, by seven percentage points. According to Marist:

Giuliani leads the field of Republicans for his party’s 2008 presidential nomination with the support of 28% of Republicans or Republican leaning independents. He is followed by Senator John McCain with 21%, former Congressman Newt Gingrich with 11%, and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney with 10%. A field of nine other potential Republican presidential contenders trail with low single digit support.

Why is this great news you ask? Because as we can see, lowly old Mitt Romney is only polling at 10% right now. Maybe those commercials he is releasing that tout him as a "business legend" who "rescued the Olympics" and "turned around a Democratic state." will bring him up a little bit in the polls? You know, when I think business legends, he's right up there with other household names such as: Rockefeller, Welch, Milkin, and Jay-Z. The electorate needs to be reminded of this stuff. Watch out Giuliani, when the voters see how he "rescued the Olympics" that no one watched or care about anymore, it's all over. You better run and hide.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Anyone But Romney in 2008

The blog is here: Anyone But Romney in 2008

Talk About Flip-Flopper: Mitt and Guns

Once again, Mitt Romney is up on charges of being totally full of crap...The past Sunday on"This Week with George Stephanopoulos" Romney stated that he'd signed up for a lifetime membership with the NRA "within the last year." Romney spokesman Kevin Madden followed that by claiming: "the decision was not a ploy to attract conservative voters."

Are you fucking kidding me! Does Kevin Madden actually expect us to swallow that tripe...Yes I suppose he does. Willard is a guy who spent the greater part of his life in Michigan and Utah and decided, just now, after 4 years in Massachusetts that he needed to join the NRA. Once again, according to Madden:

"He joined the NRA because, like millions of Americans, he supports the group's advocacy of the Second Amendment and its commitment to education programs promoting the safe use of firearms by law-abiding citizens...I would argue not many Americans care when you join, but why you join, and I think I've made that clear."

Uhh...Kevin when someone joins a group with a political agenda that is as clear and demonstrated as the NRA - mere months prior to announcing his candidacy for the President of the United States; I have to concur that when you join, has everything to do with why and that Americans who do not have their political choices force fed to them will care.

“I have a gun of my own,” Romney said last month. “I’m a member of the NRA and believe firmly in the right to bear arms.”

Shockingly, way back in 2002 Mitt whistled a different tune:

“We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts, I support them. I won’t chip away at them."

When answering questions about his support for the Brady Bill in 1994, Mitt was quoted as saying:

"That’s not going to make me the hero of the NRA...I don’t line up with the NRA.”
At one point prior to one of his many mammoth idelogolocal flip-flops, Romney signed America’s first state-level assault-weapons ban, and I was almost proud to call him my Governor. I wonder what the NRA thought of that weapons ban at the time? I'm surprised they even allowed him to have a membership...No, wait...I'm not.

Mitt Romney you are a phony and once again I am encouraged to endorse: Anyone But Romney in 2008.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007

Giuliani, McCain, Obama, Clinton...Swift?

This blog is aimed at anyone supporting any of the following candidates:
Yup and even:
Not to mention:
That's right folks, this site is dedicated to every 2008 Presidential contender who isn't Mitt Romney. More discussion on the why and how of this is soon to follow.