It has been a year since Willard dropped out of the Presidential race and crushed this blog's dreams of stardom. I can't say as I have missed him as much as I have missed making fun of everything that he is and everything that he stands for. Recently,
Willard spoke with Time Magazine about Obama's first couple of weeks in office, what he thinks is wrong with the economic stimulus bill and what his own future may hold. Some of his more douchy comments include:
"I think President Obama is off to a rocky start. The theme "Yes, we can" seems to have been replaced with "Well, maybe we can't." I believe that with all the challenges America faces, the simple solutions and the hopes that were sold by the Obama team are inadequate to the task ahead. The cabinet appointments have been subject to a disappointing vetting process. His forays into foreign affairs produced a very unfortunate comment that America has been "dictating" to other nations."
andGov. Palin is an effective and popular political voice, and I believe she will continue to draw interest among party faithful and that she'll have an impact on the party's direction in the future.
Ahhhh classic Willard, just like we remember him. still up to his old tricks, still full of crap.