Fox and Friends is probably the worst show on television, period. These two make Hannity look like Murrow and watching them actually hurts me, but the hair stuff with Romney is just priceless.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Big Shocker From Utah: Polygamy in Willard's Family Tree, Romney's Great-Grandfather Had A Few Wives
While Mitt Romney condemns polygamy and its prior practice by his Mormon church, the Republican presidential candidate's great-grandfather had five wives and at least one of his great-great grandfathers had 12.Robert Klien sums this up best:
Polygamy was not just a historical footnote, but a prominent element in the family tree of the former Massachusetts governor now seeking to become the first Mormon president.
Romney's great-grandfather, Miles Park Romney, married his fifth wife in 1897. That was more than six years after Mormon leaders banned polygamy and more than three decades after a federal law barred the practice.
When I saw this outrageous story, my first thought was that it read like an Onion parody of how absurdly overboard the media goes in digging up dirt on presidential candidates. It's hard to know whether to chalk this up to liberal bias or religious bigotry that for some reason is tolerated when Mormons are involved.I have to say that I agree with Klien. I don't really care nor do I think this is a rational reason not to vote for someone, but this shit is pretty funny.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Romney on Abortion - 2002
I believe???...No wait a second...I've got this one...It is a women's right I'm brother-in-law's soul...must sell win election...
Romney is the First Kid on His Block With a Campaign Ad
Wow, that sure does make me like him less.
Washington Post Columnist Richard Cohen Chews Mitt A New One
I have been following the zigs and zags of Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and now Republican presidential candidate, watching him grow progressively less progressive, sort of making himself up as he goes along. As a result, I surf the Web with trepidation, bracing myself for the story that I fear might be coming: "Romney Says He Is Not Really a Mormon...''
Romney is not the only Republican candidate to mothball principles for the campaign. Rudy Giuliani is now not as pro-choice as he used to be, and John McCain has hired the very mudslingers he once wanted to garrote. But Romney is in a class of his own. He used to have fairly reasonable positions on gun control. Within the past year, though, he joined the National Rifle Association -- an admission made under some duress Sunday to George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week.'' In fact, to watch Romney on the show was to see a thoroughly counterfeit man. If he were a coin, a vending machine would spit him out.We still have 12 months until the first primary!!! If Mitt is already catching this much crap, what chance in hell does he have over the next year? Who knows, maybe McCain will show everyone how crazy he really is, or Giuliani will dress in drag again and let Brownback grope him. All I do know is that with blows like these coming at Admiral flip-flop a whole year before New Hampshire and Iowa, and no one else in the race catching anywhere near the same flack (or being as full of crap), I can't wait to see what's in store for old Willard in the coming months.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Willard "Mitt" Romney Polling at 10% in Lastest Marist College Poll
Great news from Marist! Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani tops the field of possible Republican presidential nominees for 2008 for his party’s nomination according to the latest polling from The Marist College Institute For Public Opinion. He leads his closest competitor, John McCain, by seven percentage points. According to Marist:
Giuliani leads the field of Republicans for his party’s 2008 presidential nomination with the support of 28% of Republicans or Republican leaning independents. He is followed by Senator John McCain with 21%, former Congressman Newt Gingrich with 11%, and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney with 10%. A field of nine other potential Republican presidential contenders trail with low single digit support.
Why is this great news you ask? Because as we can see, lowly old Mitt Romney is only polling at 10% right now. Maybe those commercials he is releasing that tout him as a "business legend" who "rescued the Olympics" and "turned around a Democratic state." will bring him up a little bit in the polls? You know, when I think business legends, he's right up there with other household names such as: Rockefeller, Welch, Milkin, and Jay-Z. The electorate needs to be reminded of this stuff. Watch out Giuliani, when the voters see how he "rescued the Olympics" that no one watched or care about anymore, it's all over. You better run and hide.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Talk About Flip-Flopper: Mitt and Guns
Once again, Mitt Romney is up on charges of being totally full of crap...The past Sunday on"This Week with George Stephanopoulos" Romney stated that he'd signed up for a lifetime membership with the NRA "within the last year." Romney spokesman Kevin Madden followed that by claiming: "the decision was not a ploy to attract conservative voters."
Are you fucking kidding me! Does Kevin Madden actually expect us to swallow that tripe...Yes I suppose he does. Willard is a guy who spent the greater part of his life in Michigan and Utah and decided, just now, after 4 years in Massachusetts that he needed to join the NRA. Once again, according to Madden:
"He joined the NRA because, like millions of Americans, he supports the group's advocacy of the Second Amendment and its commitment to education programs promoting the safe use of firearms by law-abiding citizens...I would argue not many Americans care when you join, but why you join, and I think I've made that clear."
Uhh...Kevin when someone joins a group with a political agenda that is as clear and demonstrated as the NRA - mere months prior to announcing his candidacy for the President of the United States; I have to concur that when you join, has everything to do with why and that Americans who do not have their political choices force fed to them will care.
“I have a gun of my own,” Romney said last month. “I’m a member of the NRA and believe firmly in the right to bear arms.”
Shockingly, way back in 2002 Mitt whistled a different tune:
“We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts, I support them. I won’t chip away at them."
When answering questions about his support for the Brady Bill in 1994, Mitt was quoted as saying:
"That’s not going to make me the hero of the NRA...I don’t line up with the NRA.”At one point prior to one of his many mammoth idelogolocal flip-flops, Romney signed America’s first state-level assault-weapons ban, and I was almost proud to call him my Governor. I wonder what the NRA thought of that weapons ban at the time? I'm surprised they even allowed him to have a membership...No, wait...I'm not.
Mitt Romney you are a phony and once again I am encouraged to endorse: Anyone But Romney in 2008.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Giuliani, McCain, Obama, Clinton...Swift?
- Senator Joe Biden of Delaware (Campaign Site)
- Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut (Campaign Site)
- Former Senator John Edwards of North Carolina (Campaign Site)
- Former Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska (Campaign Site)
- Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio (Campaign Site)
- Senator Barack Obama of Illinois (Campaign Site)
- Former Governor Tom Vilsack of Iowa (Campaign Site)
- Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York (Campaign Site)
- Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico (Campaign Site)
- Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas (Campaign Site)
- John H. Cox of Illinois (Campaign Site)
- Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York (Exploratory Committee)
- Representative Duncan Hunter of California (Campaign Site)
- Michael Charles Smith of Oregon (Campaign Site)
- Former Governor Jim Gilmore of Virginia
- Former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas (Exploratory Committee)
- Senator John McCain of Arizona (Exploratory Committee)
- Representative Ron Paul of Texas (Exploratory Committee)
- Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado (Exploratory Committee)
- Former Governor Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin (Exploratory Committee
- James Gilchrist of California
- Kat Swift of Texas (Campaign site)
- Steve Kubby of California (Campaign Site)
- George Phillies of Massachusetts (Campaign Site)
- Christine Smith of Colorado (Campaign Site)
- Doug Stanhope of Arizona (Campaign Site)
- Gene Chapman of Texas (Campaign Site)
- Dave Hollist of California (Campaign Site)
- Robert Milnes of New Jersey (Campaign Site)
- Steve Adams of Kentucky (Campaign Site)
- Gene Amondson of Washington (Campaign Site)
- Bob W. Hargis of Oklahoma (Campaign Site)
- Daniel Imperato of Florida (Campaign Site)
- David A. Koch of Utah
- Ken Goldstein of California (Campaign Site)
- Charles T. Maxham of New Jersey (Campaign Site)